Saturday 23 June 2012

Japanese Art Project

hey guys does anyone have any good ideas on what to do for my art project i really wanna take it for my GCSEs i'm stuck but anyway i'm doing manga art and i found this pik on the inter net and i didn't draw this but i drawed it to go in my project but i'm not gonna show the  one i drawed i will once i have finished it.

Killer shoes


Garden Shoes

ouch theese much hurt to walk in lol xxx

Fashion Picture Of The Day x

Braces are so in

braces are so in i have a pair there red 

Monday 18 June 2012


Hey guys if your on facebook i've
made a page called beef's fashion like it and then that way you can get more accses to mt blog and i'll post piks and i'll put the URL on onece a day we need over 30 likes so if you like it ill  post something on to do with fashion just comment and tell me what u people want me to write about or post about thankyou

love you all xx

My creepers

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